Truust areas
Established: 1995 - 2000, Area: 29 hectares, Seed orchard established: 60, Primary production: bush species, Latitude: 56.278448, Longitude: 9.684148.
Truust areas are located between Aarhus and Viborg, to the north-west of Faarvang. In 2000, HD Seed took over the areas and farm buildings from Tvilum Skovgård, Hedeselskabet's previous nursery, in order to establish seed orchards for a wide range of tree and bush species. This work, the selection of new genetics and establishing seed orchards are continuous processes as seed orchards get older and genetics requirements change over time.
HD Seed has made a decision to use the Truust areas mainly for the production of bush seeds as this production requires more intensive care in terms of cleaning, pruning, fungal and pest control – tasks solved using machines and requiring the short transport distances from our home base to be a profitable option.
Since the relatively high number of species from various origins require seeds to be harvested over a prolonged period of time – from mid-July to early November – the areas must be located close to our washing and purification facilities.